March 14, 2024

Don't Call it a Comeback.

Greetings, Party People.

Settle into your booth, grab a mug of coffee (but only if Gloria made it), and make yourself ready. As the kids like to say: we are so fucking back.

The Most Season Four in the History of Season Fours.

Mark your calendars (also, get a calendar) – Season 4 of Midnight Burger premieres on April 16th!

But remember…

By subscribing to Midnight Burger on Patreon, Supporting Cast, or Apple Podcasts, you can get the Season 4 premiere delivered straight into your existence tonight! That's right, a whole month before anyone else! Not only will you get early access to every episode this season (as well as other perks), but you'll also be directly supporting this indie audio drama and the crew who bring it to life. Every subscription counts, and helps us keep the doors open on this joint.

We’d Like to Thank the (Podcast) Academy!

We're ker-ploding with pride to announce that Midnight Burger has been nominated for an Ambie Award! The Ambies are the "Academy Awards" of podcasting (remember the rule: everything is the Academy Awards of something), recognizing excellence in audio storytelling.

Want to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion? Tune in to the livestream ceremony on March 26th at 6pm Pacific Time! Head over to The Podcast Academy YouTube Channel: to witness the magic unfold AKA watch me make an idiot of myself on the red carpet. None of this would be possible without your unwavering support, by the way – a heartfelt thank you from the entire Midnight Burger crew!

Season 4: Rise of the Fan Artists!

Art cometh! This season, we're thrilled to showcase the incredible talent of our amazing fan artists. Each episode of Season 4 will be adorned with stunning artwork created by some of the most dedicated Midnight Burger supporters. This is our way of saying thank you for the countless illustrations, character designs, and other works of creative genius you've shared with us on Tumblr, Instagram or any of the five hundred twitters.

Here are some of the brilliant artists you can look forward to seeing:


Existentially Exhausted Bean:



Ramsey Hong:

Dominik Frantisak:

Japanese Alleyway

And more!! We can't wait to introduce you to their work if you haven't encountered it yet!

Are YOU an artist of the “fan” variety? If you dream of seeing your work featured on an episode of Midnight Burger, we want to hear from you! Reach out on social media or send an email to with links to your “stuff”. We pay actual real money and everything.

And don’t forget about Hood’s Pocket!

Never forget that in addition to our main show we will also be bringing you back up the mountain! Get ready to revisit the charming (it is not charming) town (it is a town) of Hood's Pocket, Oregon! Alongside the main Season 4 arc, we'll be rolling out "Welcome to the Horizon." This will see us reconnect with special favorites Frank and June as their tiny town on Mt. Hood starts to get real real weird, and who knows who else might blow into town (EYES EMOJI)? We’ll see you at the Sheep’s Eye Roadhouse! Do not order the lobster!

A Heartfelt Thank You

Okay but seriously, from the bottom of our supermassive black hole hearts, thank you for being a part of the Midnight Burger family. Your willingness to get weird with it fuel our passion for creating these adventures. We can't wait to embark on this journey of Season 4 together.


We're out there, somewhere, lookin' for ya'.


A megalink for all of our things.