Sept. 19, 2023

We're Not Unhinged, YOU'RE Unhinged!

(Hey! We’ve got about 300 subscribers to this newsletter! It wasn’t a stupid idea!)

Welcome back everyone! This month we were treated to what was, apparently, the most truck-like of Midnight Burger episodes:

This club had everything: Jailbreaks, standoffs, pranks, Music Man jokes, helicopters, immortality. It was a joy to make this episode and it was so much fun to see the chaos hit everyone in real time.

It's so gratifying to know that y’all are up for both slow character study episodes like Stella Splendens and rollicking, farcical capers like the nonsense we just put out. We love being able to play in different genres and tell different kinds of stories, and it's so rewarding to know that our listeners are with us for the ride.

If you’ll excuse the writer-y, process-y bullshit for a minute, we wouldn’t be able to do one without the other. The character study episodes allow us to explore the inner lives of our characters and develop their relationships with each other. The farcical caper episodes allow us to have fun and let loose. But both types of episodes are essential to what makes Midnight Burger what it is. We couldn’t do an entire season of episodes like Stella Splendens, nor could we do ten “Fangs Out” in a row. You have to always be playing salt/fat/acid/heat with your story or you end up with a big ball of nothing.

We're so grateful to y’all for being open to both types of episodes. It means that we can be more creative and tell the stories that we want to tell. We're also grateful for the opportunity to explore different genres and tell different kinds of stories. It’s always a gift.

Fan Art Round-Up!

Art? In this economy?

Tumblr user Wall-e-gorl treated us to a crossover between the diner and RPG podcast Unprepared Casters:

Todos gave us this Ava:

And then THIS Ava:

Eleri Celery went full body horror with this portrait of Terric and Clementine:

Blucroc29 gave us some nice Caspar vs. Ted art:

Spacetravels really broke our hearts with their take on Terric/Clementine:

And, of course Whisperdann came in and turned all the dials to “sexy.’

If I posted them all this would be an email longer than a roll of toilet paper, so be sure and stay updated on our fan art pinterest board.

A New Way to Subscribe With Supporting Cast

Supporting a podcast with a premium subscription is way more of a pain in the ass than it should be. Will it ever be perfect? Will anything? In our search for something simpler than Patreon and less restrictive that Apple Podcasts, we’ve started up a partnership with Supporting Cast, a company that we think has created the dead-simplest process for subscribing to a podcast. If you’d like to subscribe to the show but don’t feel like dealing with the complications of Patreon and don’t want to be forced to use the Apple Podcasts app, you can now go to our Supporting Cast page and you should be able to subscribe to the show in just a few clicks. If you give it a try, let us know how it goes on any of the links on our Linktree page.

Cue the Music!

Today’s exhaustive playlist comes from supporter Aaron, who attempted to make our usually-analog soundtrack as digital as possible. So many bangers within…

The End is Not Near, Just More Near than Yesterday

We are careening toward the end of the season at this point, with only two episodes to go before we begin “Hiatus-Fest 2023/24”. All the scripts have been written and our final recording sessions are beginning to happen in every time zone in America as well as one overseas. Thank you all so much for reading this newsletter and for listening to the show. We feel like we’ve lived ten lifetimes in one season and every one of those lifetimes was a life well lived. I’ll see you again after Chapter 31 where things get… weird.

We’re out there, somewhere, lookin’ for ya’.
