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The Journey Of the Story
This show is a fantastic journey through universe. The ties between every nook and cranny are very well rounded. The plot is on point and the audio is perfect. Even without really knowing back stories in season one the show was great but as season two and three went… that character development?! Way on point. If I ever ran into midnight burger, I’d definitely live out that fantasy. 5 stars

The best pod!
So imaginative! Such a great listen ❤️

Great show great writing
Really fantastic audio design and script writing takes you on a fantastic journey. wish I had enough disposable income to support this fantastic project. Really great job. I’m a devout atheist and really enjoyed it so don’t worry it’s not preachy but I think the use of religion as a plot point is really effective. Keep up the good work y’all.

what a surpise!
Its freaking good! Action! Comedy! Real Science! Its just great! I love it! Every episode is special! Well done!

Just brilliant I need more

Hard to describe, but oh so good!
It’s a funny sci-fi soap opera. Or something like that. Anyway, it is great! The story is so unique yet so engrossing. The writing is great and the acting is wonderful. I can’t say enough how much I love it! And each episode draws you in more. You really start to care about the characters.

I can’t give this show enough stars.

It’s heart beats for you
If you love a great story If you love tacos If you’re looking for something that shows you there is something still good in human brings, in humanity. Listen to Midnight Burger, the shift starts at 6.

Tricks you into Christian propaganda
Starts off fun and silly but then steadily becomes a clearly Christian podcast with scripture readings and lessons. Could have been good.

How storytelling should be.
If I was only allowed to give one five star review, it would be for this podcast. It’s excellent. The storytelling is tightly controlled, but you won’t notice for the laughs. I showed it to a friend who described it as “what I wish Dr who was like all the time.”

Super fun
It’s great

If you are not a bible-thumper this is not for you. Couldn't stand the constant 'Christian' homilies. Not my cup of tea. I'm a Native American/Buddhist.

Craziest Premise with Hilarious Characters!
This is so fun and funny. I love each and every Character! You couldn’t leave one of them out…they all play off of each other so well. Each episode has its own story based on where they *SPOILER* …you’ll have to listen to find out what that is! 5 Stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️🎉🤣

5 Stars
Such an entertaining show! hoping there will be many seasons to come

Great surreal exploration of time and space
Great surreal exploration of time and space

Such a great listen
This is a really fun podcast. Good voice acting, interesting stories, really cool concept. I enjoyed this as much as I’ve enjoyed any audio drama podcast.

Like a good burger.
This is the kind of show that gets better and better the deeper in to the story you get. After finishing Mockery Manor, I felt I had a podcast void, Midnight Burger filled that void. Now I need an update from both podcasts!

4.8 seriously?
This show should hands down break the star chart period. Even has me writing out the period, you know for emphasis. I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts. Maybe all of them.. not sure? F@ this is a great show! Thank you

Have listened to nothing else for the last two weeks. So damned good.

Simply the best
A must listen. Hope there is more to come

Cheeky and Fun
At first I was cautious of the story line. I soon fell in love with the voice acting, plot, storyline…. This was a lot of fun and I can’t thank them enough for putting this out there.

I was not expecting to like this so much!
When I was just looking for a new story to follow, I stumbled upon an engaging and amazing Audio Drama Story. You can easily follow the characters, relate to them and grow affectionate. The story is intricate to the right point, always ready to steal that smile or laughter on your face (I weirded out many people while walking or taking the metro!) Definitely suggested, they are still in production, so there is more to come and in strong need for more supporters! Great job guys, very high quality. I suggest this to my friends all the time

One of if not the best podcast out there
For like 2 weeks now I’ve just been listening to this podcast on repeat, I love it so much. Perfect dialogue with snappy and fun delivery that sticks in my head more than any song, characters that despite being deeply bizarre sci-fi sitcom types are still grounded as real people who have relatable, real-world flaws. A beautiful look into what it means to live under a harmful system that is so intertwined into your world it’s nearly impossible to live without them in your lives, even as they make your lives harder and worse. A lovely look into finding meaning in complete random chaos, and finding people who love and accept you even for your flaws and despite past sins. Words honestly can’t describe how much I love this show.

Midnight Magic
Midnight Burger is an amazingly deep, witty, and exciting podcast and it’s probably my favorite show ever. The writing is fabulous and it’s made up of those conversations that we have when we are up late at night looking into the vastness with a friend, when suddenly you strike up a conversation of wonder that makes you think past our existence. The show makes you want to believe. There are some words and lines that speak within me, the kind of words that resonante with your spirit and make you feel a slight tremble that causes your hair to rise. Excellent.

We open at 6!
Incredibly fun and entertaining! Effie and Zebulon are the best- just a great show.

Fun and Chaotic
So this is actually a really lovely and funny podcast. It kind of took the surrealism of The Far Meridian and the comedy of Wooden Overcoats and turned that mix into a great sci-fi series. And it definitely has the production value of those two podcasts as well. Looking forward to the next episodes! Update: So sometimes when podcasts start to have more a plot than “crazy things happen sometime” it gets less touching and calming. That’s not what happens here. The writers, the actors, and sound designers put so much love and car that it keeps getting better. It keeps getting deeper. I absolutely relisten to the more isolated early episodes, but I enjoy the more plot driven episodes just as much. Looking forward to more of the adventure!

Was Once A Great Podcast… Fell Victim to a Common Mistake
This show began beautifully. It was creative, well written, well produced, wildly entertaining, etc. with time it fell victim to success and began feeling the need to do what so many other programs of all sorts did. They “break up” the main cast and add new and unnecessary characters. This prevents actually story from moving forward and kills the show. Another problem is that one of the new characters was performed by a mouth actor rather than a voice actor.

Season 2 Finale
Season Two Finale was well worth the wait!! Cannot wait for Season 3 to begin! I am obsessed with this podcast!! 🥰 I’ve re-listened to every episode multiple times - it’s so well done!

Love the podcast, not the subscription
Paid for the subscription, can’t even listen to the newest episode even though it’s downloaded and shows I’m a subscriber and playing all older episodes. Love the show overall, but… not a fan of paying money to not even get the benefits

This podcast is so much fun!! I randomly stumbled across it and glad I did!!