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absolutely fantastic
i genuinely think that i’ve listened to this podcast all the way threw six times, not an exaggeration. hands down, my favourite audio show ever to exist. nothing to me will ever live up to the comedy and production value of midnight burger. the voice acting, amazing. the writing, fantastic. the characters, phenomenal. makes me want to try a monte cristo. 100% worth the listen

My absolute favorite of all podcasts
Interesting, unusual, beautifully acted with a wide range of expression, engagingly written and with a distinctive sense of humor—as I said, Midnight Burger is my absolute favorite podcast of all time

Just so good
The combination of humor, mystery, old timey music, and science is just so unexpected and delightful. I have struggled with some humorous podcasts but this is so well done I often laugh like an idiot in my car while listening. The voice acting is great and the production quality is top notch!

Midnight Burger makes life better
This show has been a light in the dark. After becoming disabled by a recently diagnosed chronic illness, and a mysterious one for which it is hard to receive treatment, I found it difficult to do much at all for a time. I lay there sick, with the thoughts that come to a person when they body is under attack. When it became difficult to hold a book, I started listening to podcasts. This podcast has enriched my daily life. I have something to look forward to and sometimes a scientific factoid to ponder between episodes. I can become totally carried away with the hilarious & intelligent script and characters. It makes me so happy. It makes me forget the pain for a time. Thank you to all involved in making this show for continuing to write this series. Your hard work is not just appreciated, but treasured. (I only wish I had financial means to support this project as well.)

The most recent, “Interlude: Vela”…
brought me to literal tears. If the creator/writer happens to read reviews, you should know, that, this is a beautiful show. Thank you for making it!

Love Love Love this
The cast is charming, the premise is wonderful and I want more 🪐

I just love how different this show is

Love the show, but …
Love the show, but I’m not going to write a review for the show - that’s what everyone else is doing. Instead, I’m going to write a review for “Science News” the extra episode just before E19. It was beautiful and brought me to tears. I am a science teacher who discovered a while ago that Carl Sagan’s golden record was actually a message for Earthlings. I introduce the gr to my students and have them create their own “This is us” golden records. They think it’s an assignment about Earth science, but what it turns out to be is their own record of what they love about our home and why they want to be part of taking care of it. It’s a beautiful thing. We left the planet and discovered ourselves. (I know an astronaut said something like that - it’s true.) I have never come across anyone else who also sees the golden records in this way until today while listening to “Science News”. More please. Your intergalactic perspectives are entertaining, yes, but also enlightening and even, in a round about sort of way, hopeful. Ms. Love

5 stars
So good I subscribed!

Doctor who meets Guardians of the Galaxy!!
I LOVE this story! This podcast is so unique from other stories.If you like doctor who you’ll love this one.No spoilers.But this story is about the main characters constantly traveling across the universe.While serving coffee and helping others along the way.It’s incredibly funny and heartfelt.I can’t wait for the new episodes!

One Heck of a Feel-Good Space Romp
You know that feeling of slight trepidation mixed with comfort that permeates a Waffle House experience at the wee hours of morning? Welcome to Midnight Burger, the auditory equivalent of a warm plate of house fries and good conversation shared with a friend on a sticky vinyl tablecloth. I downloaded Apple Podcasts just so I could leave this review in the hopes that someone is convinced to listen. It’s weird, it’s wonderful, and for a show largely dealing with alien life and the unknown vastness of space, it’s endearingly human. The cast does a wonderful job of conveying a misfit group bonded by uncertainty, and the humor is quick, quippy, and intelligent. I’ve felt right at home as a huge Star Wars and occasional Star Trek fan in the colorful and heartwarming world of the show. Randomly being recommended this show has been a fantastic surprise as it’s truly challenged me to think more deeply about philosophical concepts of life and love without making me drained and hopeless. I hope you’ll join me at Midnight Burger. Milkshakes are on me. See you soon.

My New Favorite Sci-Fi???
Stumbled upon this after seeing it advertised on Unseen and thought "well if *they* think it's worth promoting, then I gotta at least give it a shot." And I was not disappointed in the slightest! Midnight Burger is funny, heartfelt, dramatic, and frankly has made a strong case for itself as one of the best sci-fi audio dramas currently running. Whether you've listened to audio dramas before or not, this is an easy recommendation. Plus, the monthly release schedule makes it pretty easy to catch up without feeling like you're falling behind, which is a nice plus in my book. 10/10, 5 stars, every day a new episode drops is a great day!

One of my favorites
I stumbled upon this show a few days ago and have been binging it ever since. I love the premise, the actors, and have laughed out loud multiple times. This is the first time I’ve bothered posting a review, but just felt compelled to because it is that good!

Episode 13 repeats same as 14
Thxs it’s been foxed

Must Hear
excellent story and actors!! so so good loving it!

I’m into it
I am a couple of episodes in and I really like it.

Five stars
I don’t even know when or how I found this podcast. I’ve belonged all rosie in 3 days. Love it so much Ty guys

Episode 14
First, love midnight burger! Completely hooked. Only issue o have is season 2 episode 14 just plays epaisode 13 again so I’m totally missing some serious info…please fix! Amazing show

As someone from the town in Tennessee the scoops trills took place I really appreciate that it was talked about in episode 9

Great Show
Great Show, but the Burger Didn’t Fight Back

So great
The show is so great it is hilarious but at the same time makes you think a little about what their talking about . I like how they took the unexplained universe and brought it all to life with aliens planets space ships time travel. But I really wish I didn’t have to wait like a month to hear a new episode and I don’t really have the money to spend on subscription.

You should definitely give them money 😃
Existential crises abound in this epic drama. I don’t have the words to express how deeply I love this show. The humour touches me deep inside my happy place like no other podcast has. As a workday podcast listener as I work on the farm, midnight burger has filled a hole I didn’t know was there and am reminded of for a month at a time between episodes 😭 I’m excited to see where this story goes in the future but for now, you have my undivided attention. 🥰

Not a Sci-fi fan, but….
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHOW. discovered it a couple of weeks ago. Not even sure how I stumbled upon it. Maybe Devine intervention to lead me away he me away from a life of true crime podcasts? Or has it always been here and I’ve just never noticed?? I’ve binged all episodes and the show just gets better and better. Thanks so much for this gem of a pod.

I just can't with the lisp :/
Absolutely obsessed with this podcast. But the reason I have to give 4 stars instead of 5 is because of the way Gloria speaks. Idk what it is about this unwritten rule of podcasts that they have to give the main/one of the reoccuring character(s) to someone with a speech impediment, but it literally almost ruins everything with something that has so much potential >.<

First review because it’s that good!
God I love this show! Perfect mix of sarcasm/humor and science fiction. I haven’t subscribed to a single podcast either until this one. I can’t get enough! 😫👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Absurd, Funny And One Sc-Fi Delight
I love the cast and fresh storytelling with the very catchy humor. It’s all very poignant when the philosophy is that after you escape from normalcy and return back to it. You get bored of normalcy.

This is some great sci-fi story telling
If you love The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, you will love this series. Remember the restaurant at the end of the Universe? Well just imagine if none of the crew knew how to control where the restaurant went in space and time! A good continuing story can be hard to come but in the podcast world. Midnight Burger is not only great Scifi, it’s a great story with fun characters. I highly recommend it!

I have listened to this over and over. Midnight burger is a mesh of all of the things I love, and more. It’s like Dr. Who, but with a sassy Spanish feminist main character. And somehow the radio couple makes me feel comforted every time they speak.

Intergalactic intrigue
We join Gloria and the colourful hospitality crew and radio hosts of the Midnight Burger Diner. Quickly enveloped by a surprise filled inter-galactic adventure we experience their attempts to circumnavigate the daily obstacles that befall them. Threaded throughout are mysteries & riddles waiting to be unravelled. This is a high calibre production with a captivating storyline. The talented performers bring vibrancy to each character. I particularly appreciated the underpinning theme of Time Travel ; including the classic paradox consequences. If you enjoyed other comedic SciFi audio dramas such as : Space Ward EOS 10 We Fix Space Junk I believe you will like this show ! Episodes worth highlighting: SEASON ONE : 2021 E05 The Ad Man Cometh This was an excellent episode. E07 Four Souls - 2 minute ‘story’ recap The perfectly spaced intermittent story summary recaps were very helpful. Boofar the robot shared interesting facts including that others are aware of this unusual diner that is an anonomoly and seeking their location. Do follow and support this talented team. Fuel their motivation to keep producing more episodes of this entertaining saga.

There is nothing I don’t love about this podcast. The characters, the plot, the pacing, the dialog, the sound/sound effects— it’s all perfectly done.